Imperial Toy Corporation “Apollo Moon Exploring” No 304F Vintage


Imperial Toy Corporation “Apollo Moon Exploring” No 304F Vintage

Manufactured in Hong Kong for Imperial Toy Corporation, Los Angeles, California.

This is one of twelve in the series which i have never seen complete & still carded – very similar to the Triang Mini Space Series that were made about the same era.

The toy inside the packaging is in excellent condition although a couple of the satellite dishes have dislodged from the sockets, but not broken as they will pop back in if the packet is opened, plus there is a split in the window at the bottom right hand corner. The card is good having a couple of scrape marks & quite heavy curling to the bottom corners.

There isn’t a lot of information, but i found a website selling loose parts of this series, not complete though, so i would say this is a rare vintage toy to find in this condition.

Circa 1970.

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